An enthusiastic BS Software Engineer with comprehensive experience in software engineering. A consistent track record of successful projects related to prototyping or application architect and development of web APIs using Frameworks, AI Solution , Mobile applications (JAVA, Swift ,Fluter) and stand-alone using object Oriented Programming (OOP) and Design principle (OOD) concepts. My experience in different companies as a Software Engineer has given me the capability and tools to perform projects like Mobile app, Web Services ,machine learning and other software development using Agile methodologies.

Software Engineer & Business Automation Engineer
An enthusiastic BS Software Engineer with comprehensive experience in software engineering.
- Email:zubairshahzadarain@gmail.com
- Download CV: My CV
- Emaill:muhammad.shahzad@owasp.org
- Degree: Software Engineering
Looking to step up and pursue a professional career specialization in Software Engineering, through my competent technical and management knowledge with a purpose of continuous learning and to make positive contributions towards organizational goals and personal career growth
MSc Cyber Security
University of West London - RAK Branch Campus - UAE (In Progress)
Software Engineering
Sukkur IBA University
Professional Trainings, CERTIFICATIONS & WORKSHOPS
- Data Science Methodologies by IBM
- Python for Data Science By IBM
- Microsoft certification PL900
- Training of Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking (provided by Cybrary & UDEMY) in 2016.
- Training of Business System Analysis & Project Management at IBA held by Mobilink in 2014.
- Certification of Python For Security Professionals (Cybrary)
- Certification Website Site Development And Responsive Design (university of London) in 2015.
- Certification of Introduction to Swift Programming (University of Toronto) in 2015
- Certification of iOS App Development Basics (University of Toronto) in 2015.
- Certification of Introduction to Software product management (university of Alberta) in 2015
- Fortinet Certified level 3 .
Professional Experience
Software Engineer, Dun & bradstreet , UAE
KEY accomplishments
- Big Data setup using Ariflow , Spark , RabitMQ
- Machine learning
Software Engineer, Etisalat , UAE
KEY accomplishments
- Developed Gamification Application. (web services [aspt.net ] and Android Application[ java])
- Developed incentive Application. (Web services [aspt.net ] and Android Application [ java] ).
- Developed Scouting Application. (Web services [aspt.net ] and Android Application [ java] ).
- Developed Chabot Web service using flask and tensorflow (AI) and integration to Whatsapp using Twilio (python)
- Developed SRS Reports for various Projects and Data Preparing
- Image processing using tensor flow and orange framework
- System integration using web services .(asp.net C#)
- Hybrid Mobile App (Flutter) for FDH Audit using image processing . (hybrid Mobile )
- Resource Management system (asp.net MVC , angular)
- Project Management and daily Reporting system (asp.net MVC ,angular )
- Automate MTT ticket Creation if any OLT FHD Spliter Down . ( UI path , C#)
Software Engineer, Gotech, UAE
KEY accomplishments
- Developed Android Application For Smart TV (IPTV ) ( java ) and web serive (node.js)
- Developed and published (IOS and Android) Goprojects Repprting System (swift , Java) https://apps.apple.com/lu/app/goprojects-repprting-system/id1470739096 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.goprojects.zubair.construction_reporting&hl=en
- Developed and Setup backend services for mobile applications using node.js and mongo db and firebase cloud functions. (Firebae , Node.js, Mongodb )
- Setup FTTP server and integrate with AWS S3 for firmware update
Programmer/Analyst, Gulf Rational Solutions, UAE
KEY accomplishments
- Worked on Oracle Database, 360 Documents Management system and creating utilities Software for data filtration and creating Reports of structure and unstructured Data at Abu Dhabi Education Council (.net c#, windows services )
- Worked on insurance portal of Sharjah health authority (https://shaportal.shj.ae) (asp.net MVC ,agular)
- Worked on ERP System For Optical lab plus Optical Retailing Store (C# , Windows form)
- Worked on SharePoint System at Ajman Executive Council (Create Utility Software To upload data to SharePoint system.) (C# , Windows form)
Big Data , Reporting and AI
SRS ,Power BI, Data cleaning and analysis (python libraries) , ETL job , Ariflow (work flow Microservices ), Spark , RabitMQ , Celery worker distributive computing , image processing , object Detection , text Reconganition , image Classification , Face Reconganition, azure cognitive services
Difc , Dubai , UAE